Sunday, May 6, 2012

Cone's Dale Experience and The Relationship with ICT

Dale’s cone of experience is a learning processes model developed by Edgar  Dale from his teaching experience and observation. According to the cone, the least effective method is at the top which from what we are read . By reading, the learners’ capability to remember is 10%, 20% by hearing,  30% by seeing, 50% by  seeing and watching. Those are create the abstract experiences. Furthermore, learners will retain 70% information of what they say and write. However, the most effective method is at the bottom which from what we are do and the retention is up to 90%.  Learners retain knowledge best when they are doing things directly which  allow them to get the direct or concrete  experience. Because from concrete experience, they will use all of their senses. So as a teacher, we must consider of this kind of thing that learners learn best by doing the direct experiences. At consequence, teacher should design activities in learning process in such a way  for students to get the  real-life experiences. Because of that, teacher can use ICT as a media to create a concrete experience in teaching and learning process for their student. ICT can facilitate a greater access to the real experiences for learning by using computer, internet, video, software and etc. For example: To teach pronunciation, teacher can provide a pronunciation video of native speaker to be watched by students  which  can be easily accessed and downloaded by using internet and it can be more real compare to teacher pronounce by her/him self.


Zamzblog said...

Dear Rinda,
This is very simple, and your comment is also so simple. If you look at your other friends blog, most of them discuss this in detail that make them comprehensive. You can get the Dale's Cone of Experience in much detail explanation by getting access to some other sources. So, make sure that you can make this comprehensive, okay? I will be waiting in not so long time. Good luck.

Your Tutor,

Zainal Arifin.

Zamzblog said...

Dear Rinda,
Your presentation of Dale's Cone of Experience is so simple. If you look at your other friends blogs, most of them discuss this in detail that make them quite comprehensive. You can get Dale's Cone of Experience in more detail explanation by getting access to some other sources. So, make sure that you can make your presentation comprehensive, okay? I will be waiting, but not in a long time basis. Good luck.

Your Tutor,

Zainal Arifin.

Rindawati said...

okay, sir
I'll revise it to make it more comprehensive.
And for the presentation, my group and I will try to present it in more detail.

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